When I (accidentally) started this business over 5 years ago, I could never have imagined what it would become and all the things I'd be making! From dresses and crib bedding, to preemie clothes, to Necktie Memory quilts and pillows - even I have hard time comprehending how each of those led into the next thing. I have enjoyed excellent demand for most every item I've made available in my shop, and just recently surpassed 700 sales! That's 700 handmade, one of a kind, customized items made by ME! That absolutely blows my mind!

Almost 2 years ago I made the difficult decision to discontinue the preemie listings in my shop and focus solely on Necktie Quilts and Pillows. My orders had grown to an almost unmanageable magnitude, and I felt I was no longer able to offer the quick turn around that making clothing and quilts for preemies demanded. It wasn't an easy decision, but I am only one person and for the sake of my family and my sanity, a choice had to be made, and I've been very happy with the choice that I made.

Since then I've poured myself into helping others preserve the memory of their lost loved ones by transforming their neckties into quilts, pillows and pouches. It's been my absolute joy and pleasure to do this work. I've loved every minute of it, and after 4 years of making necktie quilts, I am, in a word...

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my customers. I love our conversations and I love hearing their stories and crafting something that is so deeply meaningful to them. I could never get bored of that. But creatively, I am not being challenged and my work has kept me so busy that I simply haven't had the time to flex my creative muscles and do different types of projects for myself, and that makes me sad. There are many, many things on my personal sewing to do list that have been on the list for years, and I can't remember the last time I checked anything off of that list. I have fabric that I bought 3 years ago intended for specific projects that I haven't had the time to get to. So, after finding out we are expecting out second baby this winter, and anticipating having to take some time away from my business to care for my new little love, I've decided to, at least, take a break.

I want a break from the pressure of an ever growing list of orders. I want to be able to create (or not) at my own pace, with fabrics and patterns that I love. I want to be present and available to spend time with my girls, and have the freedom to make them whatever they want or need, without having to worry about the order I'd be delaying by doing so.
In short, I just want to be me and do my own thing for a while. I'm not 100% sure what exactly that means yet, but I do know how it starts! I've already stopped accepting orders for custom quilts and pillows. But that doesn't mean my shop is closed! I've also created my first digital download sewing pattern, which can by found and purchased in my Etsy shop! AND there are more on the way! I can't tell you how excited I am about this!

Another thing I've started to explore is pattern testing and blog parties. Earlier this year, I tested the Lovely Log Cabin Quilt for Sterling Sewn and had so much fun! Then a few months ago, I was inexplicably chosen to make a project for Mister Domestic's Catch & Release Project Party! This Thursday he'll be featuring my project, made from my new pattern! I AM SO EXCITED!!! I'd love to participate in more events like this, and it's definitely something I plan to pursue more once my new little is here and settled!

So that's what's going on with me. I'm so grateful to everyone who's supported me and followed along on this business venture, and I hope you'll stick around to see what's next! We'll figure it out together. <3